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How Much Will My SDCERA Disability Retirement Be?

The City of San Diego, the San Diego Unified Port District, and the San Diego Regional Airport Authority all provide both industrial (work related) and non-industrial (not work related) disability retirement benefits for SDCERA members.
The eligibility criteria for collecting disability retirement benefits are the same for all three plans. However, the benefit levels vary somewhat by plan sponsor.
In this article, our experienced SDCERA lawyers explain the disability retirement benefits that are available under each of the three plans.
This information is general in nature only – and may or may not apply to your unique situation. The best way to understand the SDCERA disability retirement benefits for which you qualify is to discuss your case with an experienced SDCERA lawyer. If you have questions about your SDCERA benefits, call our lawyers today for a CONSULTATION, or fill out the short contact form on the right.
SDCERA Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
(1.) City of San Diego Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
Your industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 50% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
(2.) San Diego Unified Port District Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
Port General Members –
Your industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 33 1/3% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
Port Safety Members –
Your industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 50% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
Port Miscellaneous Members –
Your industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 11% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
(3.) San Diego Regional Airport Authority Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
Your industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 33 1/3% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.

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SDCERA Non-Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
(1.) City of San Diego Non-Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
Your non-industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- 33 1/3% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- 1.5% x number of years of service x final compensation (highest one-year or three year salary); or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
(2.) San Diego Unified Port District Non-Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
Port General Members –
Your non-industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 33 1/3% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- 90% of 1.6% of your final compensation x years of service; or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
Port Safety Members –
Your non-industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 33 1/3% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- 30% of 1.5% of your final compensation x years of service; or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
Port Miscellaneous Members –
Your non-industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- An annual benefit that is equal to 11% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- 90% of 1.16% of your final compensation times your years of service; or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.
(3.) San Diego Regional Airport Authority Non-Industrial Disability Retirement Benefit
Your non-industrial disability retirement benefit is the higher of:
- 33 1/3% of your final compensation (highest one-year or three-year salary); or
- 1.5% x number of years of service x final compensation (highest one-year or three year salary); or
- If you are service eligible, your service retirement benefit.