VCERA Disability Retirement Attorneys
We are highly specialized Retirement Disability attorneys. Our lawyers have filed hundreds of successful disability retirement applications and appeals for VCERA and other public retirement system employees. We have obtained millions of dollars in disability retirement benefits in more than 40 years of service to injured workers in California. We appreciate that you have dedicated your career to public service – and we are here to help you get the VCERA Disability Retirement benefits you deserve.
Our lawyers have assisted hundreds of sheriffs & law enforcement, firefighters, teachers and school employees, corrections personnel, sanitation, park, transportation & airport workers and other public employees apply for disability retirement – or successfully appeal wrongful disability retirement denials.
Call our skilled lawyers today. Or fill out the quick form on the right for a consultation with an experienced VCERA Disability Retirement attorney.
VCERA Disability Retirement Facts
VCERA – The Ventura County Employees’ Retirement Association – has administered retirement plan benefits for the employees of Ventura County since 1937. Currently there are more than 15,000 active members enrolled in VCERA.
A VCERA member who becomes unable to perform the duties of their job as a result of becoming permanently disabled may apply for disability retirement. If they are found to be disabled by the Board of Retirement, the member will receive a lifetime retirement allowance. There are two types of LACERA disability retirement: Service-Connected Disability (SCD) ; and Nonservice-Connected Disability (NSCD).
The VCERA application for disability retirement must be filed while the member is in service, within four months after the discontinuance of service, or at any time after the date of discontinuance of service if the member has been continuously physically or mentally incapacitated to perform their job duties.
A wrongful denial of disability retirement benefits can be devastating to a dedicated public employee who has devoted their career to public service. Our experienced VCERA attorneys respect and appreciate your life of service and we are here to help you collect the maximum County Disability Retirement Benefits for which you qualify.
VCERA NON Service-Connected
Disability Retirement Requirements
You must be permanently incapacitated and unable to perform your regular job duties to receive an SCD retirement allowance. Your injury or illness does NOT have to be work related. There is NO age requirement to collect LACERA NSCD Disability Retirement but you must have at least five years (60 months) of service credit to receive a non-service connected retirement allowance.
The VCERA non-service disability retirement allowance payable will generally not exceed one-third (1/3) of final average compensation, but in no event will it be less than the amount you would receive if you were eligible to receive a regular service retirement.
VCERA Service-Connected
Disability Retirement Requirements
A contributory LACERA member who becomes permanently incapacitated and unable to perform his or her regular job duties due to a work related injury or disability may receive a service-connected retirement allowance. There is no age and no service requirement to collect VCERA service-connected Disability Retirement.
A VCERA service-connected disability retirement allowance is equal to one-half (1/2) of final average compensation, but in no event will it be less than the amount the member would receive if eligible to receive a regular service retirement.